Thursday 21 November 2019

Thursday 14 November 2019

The Use of Social Networking Platforms


•Build relationship with other people.
             For instance, using Facebook, Messenger, Twitter etc. that makes us create a conversation with other.  Social media helps in building and participating in the community of own religion and believes to discuss and learn about it. 
             By siting some links, articles that seen in some social networks it helps us gathered information, and makes us aware and inform in what happening in our world.  We can get the facts and true information by doing some research.
Express ourselves.
             Facebooks, Twitter, Instagram and even YouTube (Vlog) are the good example of apps that support us to express our own ideas, thoughts, and feelings by posting and sharing information about ourselves. 
Maintain our connectivity to our friends, families and love once. 
            People from anywhere can connect with anyone. Regardless of the location and religion. The beauty of social media is that you can connect with anyone to learn and share your thoughts.
•Helps us to Promote businesses
            Through social networks you can promote your business to the largest audience. This makes the businesses profitable and less expensive, because most of the expenses made over a business are for advertising and promotion. This can be decreased by constantly and regularly involving on the social media to connect with the right audience.


Fake News
             A lots of information coming from different person and not all of that are accurate. We should be aware in some information that we see.
Time waster
             Instead we use our time in doing school works, other activities that make us improve and become a productive as a person, we tend to use our time to browsing and scrolling in Facebook, YouTube and other social networks.
Health issues
              Social medias has also a negative impact to or health. Most of the people get lazy because of the excessive use of social networking sites. Which in result brings disorder in the routine life. This research by discovery will shock you by showing how bad your health can be affected by the use of the social media.
              They get involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can also waste individual time that could have been utilized by productive tasks and activities.
Reduces Family Closeness
             When family is spending family time together and watching a movie, in reality other people are on their phones rather than actually watching the movie with their parents. Instead they spend their time with their family, they tend to use their phone.


•Beware of what links you click and what software you download and install. Do not trust links/software sent by your friends implicitly as they themselves might not be aware it includes malware or their account might have been compromised. 
•Take responsibility for your own safety, never join a group just because it is trendy or all your friends are doing it.

•Beware of what you post in social media. Don’t post personal content. You must protect your privacy, if it is not necessary to post don’t post it.

•If you have social media apps on your phone, be sure to password protect your device.

•Know what action you take. If someone is harassing or threatening you, remove them from your friends list, block them and report them to the site administrator.


The Profile of a Modern Teacher

  • How do you appraise your views on the characteristics, behaviors, or practices as one who is preparing to become a modern teacher?

                 As a 21st century teachers, it's necessary for a teacher to be flexible and adaptable in the modern digital age. Always do what we believe is best for our students because as are our number one priority. As a modern teacher, we should also develop their minds in terms of assessing the mind of our students and we must know how facilitate the learning of our students and also facilitate our own learning, because a teacher is always a student. We should always seek new learning to be taught to our learners. Teaching is a journey that will provide us with many opportunities to learn but have to be open and willing to take them. We should strive to improve our teaching each and every day, even when we've been in the classroom for years. 21st century teacher should always be aware of their surroundings and never allow themselves to be too vulnerable or have their reputation called into question. Protect themselves from danger by maintaining self-control and staying alert at all times. 
          As an educator we serve as the guide of the children, so that we must follow or adapt the characteristics, behaviors, or practices of being a effective modern teacher. We should do our best to learn something different every day to be taught, for instance, seeking for various strategies and techniques to make our lesson more effective and more adaptable by learners. Because having those characteristics, behaviors, or principles teachers are become more effective. 

Change your Words – Change your Mindset


  • How do you relate this practice of using the right words to change your mindset in becoming a modern teacher who knows how to look for digital tools, materials, educational resource portals, and sites in the web?   

  •                    Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something can be done rather that saying it can’t be done. Therefore having a positive outlook in every situation is very near in way to success. Positive thought brings us to positive result. We might encounter different problem in teaching, but with the help of the right words that we think or use we can solve it and find way to cope with it, by simply motivating yourself and make an action to it. The impossible thing will become possible in terms of teaching if we become optimist, which sees opportunity in every difficult situation. Right words can help teacher to cope with their problems regarding to the school works.

                       Teaching digital tools, materials, educational resource portals, and sites in the web are very stressing thing to discuss, we tend to confuse on how to teach these kind of topics. If we see those as a difficulty, we can’t discuss it in proper or in a appropriate way, so it is possible to cause a harmful or negative impact to learners. As an modern teacher learning in those aspects especially in terms of digital is very essential, not only to our own beneficial it also help the learners to be aware and be productive in life. As a future modern educator, we should seek for the best solution in every situation and be optimistic. Those right words are serves and help teacher to become a effective educator. Instead of beating themselves up on not being able to do something, they can find a way to do it while also helping themselves grow as a effective modern teacher.

    Tuesday 12 November 2019

    Policies and Issues on Internet and Implications to Teaching and Learning

    Freedom of Expression and Censorship

    Title of Article: Censorship and Freedom of Expression in the Age of Facebook
    Name of the Author: Benjamin Jackson

    a.Summary Narrative

                Freedom of expression is an important human right which is essential for a society to be democratic. It enables the free exchange of ideas, opinions and information and thus allows members of society to form their own opinions on issues of public importance. Freedom of expression serves public debate and supports a free and independent press, informed citizenship and the transparent functioning of the state.
                  The First Amendment only limits governmental actors—federal, state, and local—but there are good reasons why this should be changed. Certain powerful private entities—particularly social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others—can limit, control, and censor speech as much or more than governmental entities. A society that cares for the protection of free expression needs to recognize that the time has come to extend the reach of the First Amendment to cover these powerful, private entities that have ushered in a revolution in terms of communication capabilities.

    b. What lesson you have learned?
                     Free speech is not only about your ability to speak but the ability to listen to others and allow other views to be heard. The right to freedom of expression is very broad, but it has limits and can be restricted. This is when the freedom of expression of one person violates the rights of another person or the values of society as a whole. In situations like these, the state can lawfully restrict or punish expressions that cause harm. Examples of this are violations of private life, defamation, hate speech, obscenity, pornography, public order, national security, classified information, trade secrets or copyright violations.
    Censorship and free speech is a widely discussed topic when dealing with the current freedom of the internet especially when dealing with young minds.
                 Freedom of expression gives special rights and duties to the media. The media inform society on matters of public interest and create an important platform for public debate, scrutiny and reflection.

    c.What suggestion can you offer?
                 We should be realistic about who is likely to call the shots as private, for-profit platforms assume greater roles in restricting online speech. Most obviously, governments that control access to major markets are well positioned to influence platforms’ decisions worldwide. We should care deeply about the rules these companies apply to our speech and behavior. In using Facebook, twitter or any kind of social media, we should be careful of what we post or share. We should know the DO and DON'T in using those social media.

    Sunday 29 September 2019

    Activity 3: How will I use Technology when I become a Teacher.

    How will I use Technology when I become a Teacher.

          Today, Technology create more educational opportunities. It provides numerous tools that teachers can use in and out of the classroom to enhance student learning. We all can feel the benefits given to us. In some schools students had switched from books to tablets, which had made teaching much simpler and even more effective. Where students find it easy to learn with technology because computers are patient compared to humans. 

              As a future teacher, beside applying and knowing the characteristics of an effective teacher, it is also necessary for me to know what are the roles of technology for teaching and learning and for learners and learning, to be an effective teacher someday. As a teacher, I will use various presentation tools, for example is PowerPoint because using this kind of tool it is bring more energy and visual impact to my presentations and it is also captivate my learners with new transitions and improved animations. I will use the online projects and collaboration tools such as vlogs, google sites, blogs or I assign research work via email, where in they can express their feelings, apply what they learned in my class, and also this gives my student time to study on their own and have no fear of making mistakes during the process of learning. I use information visualization tools in order to clarify their thoughts through transforming words into pictures or videos. I will also use teaching online, when my students are struggling in there academics and even their personal problems, I will display a personal touch, they can approach me through different communication apps, for instance Facebook, Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp etc. and creating a closed chat only for my class or a special Twitter account will help me communicate with my students and ask them to give feedbacks about what is going on in the classroom. I also include some creative activities such as photo, video or animated presentations, interesting tasks, contests and so on, that will help my students to reflect their creativity and engage in the process. Technology help students to be more active in participating school activities. 

            Technology supports learners how to learn on their own, enhance their communicating skills and upgrades their higher-order-thinking skills. Technology facilitate and lighten my work as a teacher. Both I and my students have benefited from various educational technologies, I have learned how to integrate technology in my classrooms and my students are getting more interested in learning with technology. 

    Friday 20 September 2019



                  Technology has made life easier and has opened several doors of opportunities for us that were don't know before. Today’s generations we are spending more time on technologies. Technology plays the role of facilitator in educating a student. Technology has a significant impact in my life, from how I communicate with others and how I view some information in internet.

                 Technology influenced my life both positive and negative. When I was an Elementary student I don't have any kind of gadget, and as I remember, I just go to computer shop when we have an assignments to search and also I play different online games with my friends (Frevi, subway surf, Feeding prezy etc.) It's help me to gatherd information that I need. During my highschool days and as of now I am a college students, technology helps me get through in my daily activities. It helps me on my homework, academics and commuting to school and also memorizing most of my academic work. With the help of my phone, I am being updated on what's going on in our society. Without technology life would be much difficult. Now, there is a lot of application that can help me in my study. By using technology like phone or computer it would be much quicker to do my homeworks. Technology has also enhanced my brain positively and negatively also. Whenever I get stuck with my school work, I just Google or type in my problem and it would show me how to figure it out. It has affected me in a negative way by me not using my brain to figure out the problem and sometimes it also bring me in laziness because I am spending more time in technology and no time for my school activities.

                 As a students technology facilitate my learning. I have immediate access to anything I don't understand or want to learn more about. I don't longer solely dependent on teachers, parents, or other educated people to be their only source of information.

    Saturday 31 August 2019